Our Board

Photo of Elyse, smiling at the camera. They are wearing a black top and their shoulder length, wavy hair out.

Elyse Cox (they/them) - Co-Chair

M.A.- Arts & Cultural Management

M.F.A.- Choreography & Performance 

B.F.A.- Dance 

Appointed to the Board in November 2023. Finance & Risk and Executive Committee member. Appointed as Co-Chair from December 2023.

Elyse is a queer, disabled person living in metro Melbourne/Naarm, with a particular interest in the social inclusion and representation of invisible disabilities in our community and disability culture. Their professional experience in both the arts and policy sectors has deeply informed their approach and philosophy on what it means to serve and advocate effectively. Elyse brings to the Board valuable skills in stakeholder management, board governance, business development, and strategic planning.

A smiling woman with long curly hair leaning over a black labrodor.

Alex Holland​ - Board Secretary

Appointed to the Board in October 2021. Executive and Governance Committee member.

Alex is a young woman living with disability in regional Victoria. Alex has had the opportunity to work in various roles and organisations, including the Centre for Workplace Leadership, the Melbourne Disability Institute, the National Disability Insurance Agency and the Specialist Disability Accommodation Alliance. Alex is currently practicing as a lawyer at the Transport Accident Commission.

A smiling woman with short blonde hair and a pinstriped shirt, outdoors in a park.

Helena Jordan - Director

M.A. Public Policy, B.A. Arts and Global Studies

Appointed to the Board in October 2021. Finance and Risk Committee member and Brenda Gabe Leadership Committee Chair.

Helena is a public servant, currently working as a Policy Advisor at the Department of Premier and Cabinet. She has experience in both not-for-profit and private sectors domestically and internationally. Her previous experiences have led her to support organisations working within areas of impact investing, consultancy, women’s financial empowerment, gender-based violence, refugee family services and affordable housing.

A blonde woman with a big smile.

Sam Lilly - Director

Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition
Master of Disability and Inclusion

Appointed to the Board in November 2019 and re-appointed in November 2022. Governance Committee member.

Sam is a PhD candidate at Deakin University where she is researching the lived experience of people with intellectual disability and obesity including their access to support and autonomy. Samantha is on the Victorian Disability and Advisory Council and reports to the Minister for Disability.
Sam is passionate about understanding and learning from the lived experience of people who are underrepresented in all areas of life as well as advocating for women and girls with disability in sports settings.

A black and white image of a smiling white woman in a pale collared shirt with medium-length hair.

Julia Manning - Vice Chair

Appointed to the Board in November 2022. Executive and Finance & Risk Committee member.

Julia Manning is a new board director with more than 10 years’ experience in the public and charity sectors. Julia is a conciliator at the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission where she helps people to resolve complaints of discrimination under the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act. Julia also chairs the Commission’s disability network and is a member of the VPS Enablers Network’s leadership team. In addition, she is undertaking a Master of Disability and Inclusion at Deakin University and is a member of the Deakin Disability and Inclusion Advisory Board.

Julia is passionate about accessibility of services for people with speech, language and/or communication needs. She is skilled in quality improvement, service delivery, strategy and policy, organizational auditing and governance.

Photo with dark grey background. Woman of South-East Asian descent smiling, with shoulder length brown hair swept to one side and wearing a plain white shirt.

Kalpana Raj - Treasurer

Qualifications: BCom – Finance & Management, CPA

Coopted to the Board in February 2024. Finance & Risk Committee Chair.

Kalpana is a corporate finance professional with over 20 years of industry experience across Construction, FMCG, Medical, Agribusiness, and Media. She is CPA qualified and skilled in strategy, treasury management, financial planning, commercial negotiations, digital finance, change implementation, and team engagement.

Her lived experiences and intersectionality as a migrant woman of colour, stigma with women’s health, invisible disabilities, while navigating career advancement are her strengths that provide diversity of thought.

She is a passionate advocate of mental wellbeing, women’s health and empowerment, and creating a fair, safe and inclusive environment for all.

Marlena Raymond - Co-Chair

Admitted to practice (2020), Juris Doctor (2018), Bachelor of Arts (2012)

Appointed to the Board in November 2022. Governance and Executive Committee member. Appointed as Co-Chair from March 2023.

Marlena’s professional experience includes disability research at The University of Melbourne and Office for the Public Advocate, legal practice in mental health and disability law at Victoria Legal Aid, and diversity and inclusion strategic policy for the Victorian Government.

Marlena is passionate about dignity and respect for all people, in all areas of life, all of the time.

Photo of Talitha, looking at the camera and smiling, wearing red lipstick, a black top and hair out.

Talitha Travers - Director

Appointed to the Board in November 2023. Governance Committee Chair and Finance & Risk Committee member.

Talitha is a queer, disabled woman living in regional Victoria. She has 10+ years of lived and professional experience in Advocacy, Family Services, NDIS, reforms and violence against women.

Talitha currently works as the Family Violence Disability Practice Leader for Centre for Non Violence. Talitha is passionate about creating awareness and capability of all workforces to understand the intersect of Family Violence and Disability, and create change at both a practice level and systemically, to reduce barriers and system gaps for women with disabilities to receive and engage in family violence services. Talitha also supported the disabled community to make submissions to the Disability Royal Commission and is driven to be part of the much needed reform for people with disabilities.

Talitha champions providing a disability lens to all contexts and spaces that she works within, primarily in the violence prevention space. She strives for a world that is inclusive and free of gender based violence so we can enjoy environments that are welcoming and safe for all women.

Talitha is a strong disability advocate that works to create spaces, challenge attitudes and barriers to empower and celebrate the disabled community, with a strong emphasis on elevating disability pride for women.

Photo of Annette, smiling at the camera, wearing a black top and a pendant necklace on a black cord.

Annette Vickery - Director

Bachelor of Commerce, Grad Dip. Psych, Grad Cert Ed, GAICD

Coopted to the Board in June 2024. Finance & Risk Committee member.

Annette’s is an experienced senior Executive and proud Gunditjmara woman, living and working on the land of the Wurundjeri peoples. Annette is passionate about facilitating positive change that empowers people and organisations to improve outcomes for their community. She has considerable experience in government, consultancy, the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors.
Annette is the CEO of WestCASA, which delivers sexual assault services and supports across five Local Government Areas in western metropolitan Melbourne. WestCASA also delivers workshops on a range of topics focused on reducing the impacts of sexual violence.
Annette is also the Chairperson of Tweddle Family and Community Services, a member of Australian Institute of Company Directors and the Lowitja Institute. She has an active interest in social justice and human rights.
Annette’s professional strengths include: People and culture leadership, Operations and service delivery, Strategic leadership, Business transformation, Learning and development, Program and project management, Change management, Community engagement and Quality management.