Violence Prevention Resources

Workforce Development Resource Feedback Survey

We are currently looking for feedback regarding our workforce development resources on prevention of violence against women with disabilities. We would like to know who is using them? How they are being used? What we could do to improve them? And what you would like to see from us in future?

If you have used our resources and would like to complete the short survey, click the link here.

Support Referral Directory showing a table of contents

Suppport Service Referral Options

A list of specialist support services within Victoria and Australia that work directly with people who are experiencing or are afraid of experiencing family violence and/or sexual assault. If you’re in immediate danger, call 000 for the Police, ambulance and/or fire emergencies.

Support Service Referral Options (PDF)

Support Service Referral Options (Word)


Illustration of 3 diverse women and non-binary people with disability with a sun shape behind them. They have their hands on each other's shoulders and are smiling and looking ahead.

Preventing Violence Against Women with Disabilities and Multicultural Communities

A collection of resources that aim to build and deepen understanding of the intersection of race, gender, and disability to take action to promote gender and disability equality for migrant and refugee women, non-binary and gender diverse people with disabilities.

Visit the PVAWD and Multicultural Communities page


A co-designed lived experience poster highlighting the voices of our Gender and Disability Experts by Experience Advocates.

In the words of Women with Disabilities – a lived experience poster

A co-designed lived experience poster highlighting the voices of our Gender and Disability Experts by Experience Advocates. This resource is what women with disabilities want people to know about preventing violence against women with disabilities and calls for action to promote gender and disability inclusion.

Download the PDF

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Resistance & Backlash to Gender and Disability Inclusive Practice

Resistance & Backlash to Gender and Disability Inclusive Practice resource describes the ‘spectrum’ of forms of resistance and helps identify how it can take place in the workplace when implementing preventing initiatives. This tool will help you to better identify and challenge barriers of ableism and gender inequality in workplaces to prevent violence against women with disabilities.

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The cover of the Taking Action Guide resource. It features the WDV logo, purple font and an outline of a face filled with colourfull illustrations of diverse women.

Taking Action Guide: Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities

The Taking Action Guide provides workforces in the social services, disability sector, local government, and prevention settings with information to increase awareness, skills, knowledge, and confidence to implement prevention strategies in their workplace. It brings together a number of key Women with Disabilities Victoria resources to showcase an intersectional perspective of prevention of violence against women- specifically focusing on gender and disability.

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Image of the case study pdf with the title and an illustration of a diverse group of women

WDV & Safe and Equal – Prevent X Case Study

A case study illustrating the value added to the 2022 Prevent X conference from consulting with Women with Disabilities’ Experts by Experience Advocates.​

Download the PDF

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Webinar tile with an illustration of hands on a laptop and the words Prevention of Violence Against Women with Disabilities Micro-webinar Series in white on a dark purple tile

Prevention of Violence Against Women with Disabilities Micro-webinar Series

WDV’s online self-paced -3-part micro-course aimed specifically at disability, prevention, social services, and government workforces to understand how easily violence against women with disabilities can occur and what actions you can take to prevent it. 

Visit the Prevention of Violence Against Women with Disabilities Micro-webinar Series

Primary Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities video resource

The Primary Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities video resource features the voices of 5 women with a disability and 1 ally. These women speak about the evidence-based drivers of violence against women with disabilities and share real life experiences of what these drivers look like in everyday life. The resource is a call to action to embed prevention in all parts of society.
The videos are available in full-length or divided into 5 shorter chapters. Each video is available in Auslan or as an audio-described version. All videos have captioning.

Watch on YouTube (Audio Described version)

Watch on YouTube (AUSLAN version)


Driver 1: Negative stereotypes about people with disabilities

The Primary Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities video resource features the voices of 5 women with a disability and 1 ally. These women speak about the evidence-based drivers of violence against women with disabilities and share real life experiences of what these drivers look like in everyday life. The resource is a call to action to embed prevention in all parts of society. This chapter focusses on the negative stereotypes about people with disabilities in society.

Watch on YouTube (Audio Described version)

Watch on YouTube (AUSLAN version)

Driver 2: Accepting or normalising violence, disrespect, and discrimination

The Primary Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities video resource features the voices of 5 women with a disability and 1 ally. These women speak about the evidence-based drivers of violence against women with disabilities and share real life experiences of what these drivers look like in everyday life. The resource is a call to action to embed prevention in all parts of society. This chapter focusses on the impact of accepting or normalising violence, disrespect, and discrimination against people with disabilities.

Watch on YouTube (Audio Described version)

Watch on YouTube (AUSLAN version)

Beige and white tile. Text says "Controlling people with disabilities’ decision making and limiting independence". Illustration of a women with a group of people around her pulling her in different directions.

Driver 3 – Controlling people with disabilities’ decision making and limiting independence

The Primary Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities video resource features the voices of 5 women with a disability and 1 ally. These women speak about the evidence-based drivers of violence against women with disabilities and share real life experiences of what these drivers look like in everyday life. The resource is a call to action to embed prevention in all parts of society.
This chapter focusses on the control over people with disabilities’ decision making and limiting their independence.

Watch on YouTube (Audio Described version)

Watch on YouTube (AUSLAN version)

Purple and white tile. Text says "Social segregation and exclusion of people with disabilities". There is an illustration of a flight of stairs, and a person in a wheelchair is seated at the bottom of the stairs.

Driver 4 – Social segregation and exclusion of people with disabilities

The Primary Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities video resource features the voices of 5 women with a disability and 1 ally. These women speak about the evidence-based drivers of violence against women with disabilities and share real life experiences of what these drivers look like in everyday life. The resource is a call to action to embed prevention in all parts of society.
This chapter focusses on the impact of social segregation and exclusion of people with disabilities.

Watch on YouTube (Audio Described version)

Watch on YouTube (AUSLAN version)

Purple and white tile. Text says "Take Action".

Take Action

The Primary Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities video resource features the voices of 5 women with a disability and 1 ally. These women speak about the evidence-based drivers of violence against women with disabilities and share real life experiences of what these drivers look like in everyday life. The resource is a call to action to embed prevention in all parts of society.
This chapter focusses on ways to take action against violence against women with disabilities.

Watch on YouTube (Audio Described version)

Watch on YouTube (AUSLAN version)


Cover of Gender and Disability Workforce Development Program

Gender and Disability Workforce Development Program Evaluation Report 2021

This report captures the achievements of, and lessons learned from, the design and implementation of the Gender and Disability Workforce Development Program over the two-year period from 2019-2021. This evaluation of the Gender and Disability Workforce Development Program was led by Wei Leng Kwok of WLK Consulting who is also the author of this report.

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Screenshot of the PDF version of the resource

“Facts on Violence against Women with Disabilities 2022 - Why are we focusing on women with disabilities?”

This is a quick reference to key statistics on violence against women and girls with disabilities in Australia. When talking about violence against women, statistics are frequently at the centre of the discussion, however, the information that reflects the experiences of violence against women is complex. The information presented highlights specific statistics focused on women with disabilities and the complexity of intersectionality and associated statistics. This resource is evidence based and has been co-designed with women with disabilities and violence prevention expertise and representation.

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Pink text reads: "Understanding Disability Guide, Gender and Disability Workforce Development Program." Under the text is a colourful geometric shape and the WDV logo.

Understanding Disability Guide

The purpose of this guide is to provide information to workforces in disability, social services and violence prevention on how Women with Disabilities Victoria (WDV) understands disability, and how we want key stakeholders, policy makers, planners and other organisations to think about disability.

This guide is based on the Understanding Disability video (below). It explores 6 keystones, co-designed by women with disabilities, to provide understanding of respectful engagement and planning with women with disabilities.

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Understanding Disability animated video

Animated video with accompanying image description document introducing viewers to 6 keystones for how we understand disability and how we want others to understand disability: 

  • the social model of disability,
  • the human rights model of disability,
  • gender equality,
  • intersectionality,
  • centering lived experience, and
  • disability pride.

When these 6 keystones are in place, we can work together for a more inclusive and equitable society.

Watch on YouTube

Download image descriptions in Word

Working towards Gender and Disability Equality Workbook

Download in Microsoft Word

International Women's Day Event: 'Prevention of Violence against Women with Disabilities: Workforce Resources for Action’

Watch on YouTube

Workforce Resources for Action

The Workforce Resources for Action have been developed to expand upon the important work of Change the Story by placing a disability lens over the gendered drivers of violence and the essential actions to prevent gendered violence.

By combining the evidence on what we know drives gender-based violence with the evidence and research on what we know drives disability-based violence, these resources can be used to take effective action in primary prevention of violence against women with disabilities.

Download PowerPoint slide content in Word


Download Driver 1 in PDF

Download Driver 2 in PDF

Download Driver 3 in PDF

Download Driver 4 in PDF


Download Action 1 in PDF

Download Action 2 in PDF

Download Action 3 in PDF

Download Action 4 in PDF

Download Action 5 in PDF

Drivers and Actions

Read Driver 1 and Action 1 in Microsoft Word

Read Driver 2 and Action 2 in Microsoft Word

Read Driver 3 and Action 3 in Microsoft Word

Read Driver 4 and Action 4 in Microsoft Word

Read Action 5 in Microsoft Word

Steps to Disability Inclusive Prevention of Violence Against Women-A Brief Guide  cover

Steps to Disability Inclusive Prevention of Violence Against Women-A Brief Guide 

Download the Steps to Disability Inclusive Prevention of Violence Against Women-A Brief Guide in PDF

Download the Steps to Disability Inclusive Prevention of Violence Against Women-A Brief Guide in Word

Women's Health Services Toolkit

Download the Disability and Women’s Health Services Toolkit

video screenshot

Preventing and Responding to Violence Against Women with Disabilities: Family Violence and Disability Films

Visit the Family Violence and Disability Films page

View the References PDF

Family Violence Response for Women with Disabilities – A quick guide to safely managing disclosures

This resource outlines the best practice response to supporting a woman who discloses experiencing violence.

Download in Word

Family Violence Response for Women with Disabilities Guide

This resource outlines the best practice response to violence against women with disabilities and lists a number of referral services.

Download in Word

Slides from the Workforce Development team as part part of the Respect Inclusion and Equality presentation

Download in Word

Why focus on violence against women with disabilities: A self-guided activity for workers

Download in Word

Action Planning for Disability Support Workers

Download in Word

Intersectionality Resource

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'Respect Is...' Plain text Resource

Download in Word

10 Actions to be a Gender and Disability Equitable Organisation

Download in Word

Our Right to Safety and Respect Resource (Safeguards Project)

Our Right to Safety and Respect Guidelines for developing resources with women with disabilities about safety from violence and abuse contains six good practice guidelines organisations can follow to create quality resources.

Each guideline has a set of indicators to show what good practice looks like and how to work towards it.

Our Right to Safety and Respect Resource page

Prevention of violence against women and children regional action plan capacity building project

The specific focus of the project was on the disability related aspects of the Regional Action Planning Project in order to build the capacity of Prevention of Violence Against Women (PVAW) sector professionals to deliver high quality prevention of violence against women activities that are inclusive of women with disabilities.

PDF in a new window (483 KB)

Microsoft Word version (373 KB)

Violence Against Women

Tricia Malowney, Chair of Women with Disabilities Victoria, and Ariane Garner-Williams, youth and women with disabilities advocate, talk about some of the issues that arise for this doubly disadvantaged group, in terms of violence

Watch on YouTube


A Framework for Influencing Change

This Framework seeks to intersect with the Victorian Government’s Family Violence and Sexual Assault Reform Strategies under the
Fairer Victoria Policy.

Open PDF (175 KB)

Download in Word (240 KB)

Building the Evidence Report

The Building the Evidence Project analyses the extent to which current Victorian family violence policy and practice recognises and provides for women with disabilities who experience violence, and makes recommendations to improve responses to women with disabilities dealing with family violence.

Read more on our 'Building the Evidence' page

Literature Review of women with disabilities and violence prevention

Literature review addressing intimate partner violence against women with disabilities 

Open in PDF (109 KB)